Sexual Health and Low T

In 2010, the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) celebrated the first World Sexual Health Day (WSHD). The purpose of the annual September 4th celebration is to promote greater social awareness of sexual health across the globe. Conditions like low testosterone or low T can negatively impact sexual performance in males. That’s why World Sexual Health Day is the perfect time to take action against low T.

Low T Quick Facts

As men age, testosterone levels begin to decrease around the age of 35. However, some men develop a deficiency and may experience:

  • Decreased sex drive (libido)
  • Poor (or no) erections (erectile dysfunction or impotence)
  • Enlarged breasts
  • Low sperm count

The longer your testosterone levels remain low, the more chance you have at experiencing more severe symptoms such as:

  • Loss of body hair
  • Reduced muscle bulk and strength
  • Weaker bones (osteoporosis)
  • Mood swings and increased irritability
  • Depression
  • Hot flashes

World Sexual Health Day

September 4th is one of many month-long celebrations honoring global efforts towards sexual health for everyone. This year’s theme is “Turn it On,” focusing on sexual health in a digital world. WAS founders state, “Information and communication technologies provide the ideal tool for health promotion to ensure that communication on social networks promotes involvement in healthy self-care. It is a call for action for the need to raise the questions and topics and challenges and opportunities that the digital world brings and how these maximize or threaten sexual health and sexual rights.”

  • Learn more about and take action on any issues affecting your sexual health.
  • Use the #WorldSexualHealthDay2021 or #WSHD2021 or #turniton or #enciendelo (in Spanish) tag in your posts.

  • Take pictures, tag them so WAM can use them in their social media (e.g.,;

Visit the WAS resource page for more information and media downloads. Thanks to past, present and ongoing research efforts, issues affecting sexual health are being given the attention they deserve. In recent years, there have been several advancements in female and male sexual dysfunction. Potential new options are currently being evaluated in clinical research studies.

You don’t have to live with low T. Learn more about how clinical research studies enrolling for low T at North Georgia Clinical Research may help. Call us at (678) 494-5735, or visit our website today!
