Alzheimer’s: The Power of Prevention Research

Prevention Research Explained  Made up of researchers from varied backgrounds and areas of focus, prevention research helps determines risk factors that put someone at risk of developing a particular condition, illness, or disease. It’s used to assess the associated health risks and recommend various preventative measures to help prevent those from developing that medical condition. …

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Alzheimer's VS Dementia - What's the difference_

Alzheimer’s Versus Dementia

When discussing Alzheimer’s versus dementia, it’s important to note that they are not terms that should be used interchangeably.  Learn more about what distinguishes the two and why knowing the difference is vital. Alzheimer’s and Dementia – How They’re Similar Yet Different To understand how Alzheimer’s and dementia overlap, we must first understand them individually. …

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Essential tips for Alzheimer's caregivers

Essential Tips on Caring for a Loved One with Alzheimer’s

Caregivers are essential to the lives of those affected by Alzheimer’s. When so much seems out of our control, your compassion and love guide them through this transition with dignity and grace. Though your contributions are priceless, they can take a toll on a caregiver’s emotional and physical well-being without the right tools. With some …

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Alzheimer's: Learn how this disease disproportionately affects minority groups

Alzheimer’s Disease: The Growing Disparity in Minorities

By 2060, Hispanics and African Americans in the U.S. will see the most significant increase in Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. April is National Minority Health Month, and it’s perfect timing to understand better the growing disparity in minorities for Alzheimer’s disease. While you can’t prevent Alzheimer’s right now, knowing your risk is vital for …

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Keeping the Brain Sharp

Keeping the Brain Sharp: How Memory Games Can Help with Alzheimer’s

The saying goes: if you don’t use it, you lose it. Keeping your brain sharp with games, activities, and learning new things helps tremendously reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s Disease. When you regularly stimulate your brain, it’s like exercise for your brain and helps it stay healthy for longer. How to Exercise Your Brain Currently, …

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Give your health some love

Alzheimer’s: Getting to the Heart of Prevention

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive form of dementia that causes the cells in the brain and their connections to deteriorate. Anyone can get Alzheimer’s, though family history and other factors increase your risk. Since its discovery, we’ve learned a great deal of information about Alzheimer’s. Most notably, we are learning what we can do …

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